Our Town | Our Future
Start-Up Meeting: November 2023

Start-Up Meeting: November 2023

On 19th November 2023, we held our inaugural public meeting.

The event was planned as an introduction to Sustainable Wymondham, what we stand for, our mission and to start the process of public engagement in order to begin shaping a strategy to make Wymondham a more sustainable, secure place to live, work and play.

It was satisfyingly well attended by over forty members of the public who listened to a comprehensive presentation from members of the team, including a couple of videos, before participating in some group discussions designed to discover what sustainable activities already happen in the town now and what we need to add, change or consider in order to improve matters.

We will be publishing a report on the findings of this meeting, but an executive summary is already available here.

Related Information

Presentation slides (pdf – 48MB)

Videos used in the presentation:

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