Our Town | Our Future
Sustainable Wymondham


We are in the middle of a climate and nature emergency, and the two are inextricably linked.

Climate change is driving nature’s decline and loss of diversity, and the loss of wildlife and wild places leaves us ill-equipped to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to change. One cannot be solved without the other.

According to the UN, 1 million species  are at risk of extinction globally. And in the UK, a quarter of mammals  are at imminent risk of disappearing – including wildcats and hedgehogs. A recent Kew garden report says 45% of all known flowering plant species could be under threat of extinction. Non-native plants now outnumber native species in the UK & Ireland, which affects insects that have evolved with the wild plants. This consequently affects birds who rely on insects for food and so on up the food chain.

Habitat loss is caused by pollution, intensive farming and growth of the built environment, as well as more global demand for everyday products. Nature has been long been viewed by western society as a resource for industry and commerce.

We need projects that provide habitat, connected together where possible, so wildlife ‘corridors’ are created. Restoring and creating thriving ecosystems will give wildlife space to adapt. This will help not only the creatures but also help connect people back to nature, which is hugely beneficial for physical and mental health, improving the wellbeing of the natural world and everyone in it.

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